– Quick Start Guide
NewSonic SonoDur3 with LEEB
Issue 00, 09/2020
Page 4
This quick start guide summarizes the basic functions using the LEEB probe and the installation of the
necessary LEEB application SonoDur-L.
For complete instructions and safety handling information see the standard SonoDur3 operating manual. It
could be found on the USB stick or the actual full instruction manual could be downloaded from
The LEEB hardness testing is standardized according ASTM A956, ISO 16859, GB/T 17394 and conversions
according conversions with EN ISO 18265-2014, ASTM-E140-2013 and EPRI HV5/HV10-2020.
Installation and Quick Start
1. Before working with the instrument, check the delivery immediately on receipt for completeness
and transport damage.
2. Before the device can be switched on for the first time, SonoDur3 it should be fully charged!
3. Charge the Bluetooth probe with the cable using the USB port of your PC or the power supply.
A red LED shows the charging process, it will turn to blue if the battery is fully charged.
4. Copy the installation file
via USB (switch to PC mode on the SonoDur3 to make
connection!) to the SonoDur3 into the standard installation directory and then tap on the
installation file, it will start installation update process on the instrument.
5. Switch on the LEEB probe (miniature button right to the USB connector). The LED will start
blinking slowly in blue color, indicating that the probe is ready to take measurements.
6. Change over to the second page of the home screen and tap on the SonoDur-L symbol. A
message will appear asking for the permission to switch blue tooth on.
Select “Allow”.
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
Figure 3.3