Set stimulation level. Upon turn-on, the unit will produce the prompt
“set stim” and repeat it once.
Increase stimulation level. If the stimulation level is set to 3 mA
or above but less than or equal to 9 mA, the unit will produce the
prompt “increase stim” and repeat it once. Stimulation levels below
10 mA are typically insufficient to produce muscle contractions and
are therefore disallowed by the system.
Rest (relax) mode. At the onset of the rest phase, the unit says the
word “relax” once, prompting the patient to attempt to lower the EMG
levels from the monitored muscle.
Ready mode. At the onset of the ready mode, the unit says the word
“ready” once prompting the patient to begin movement of the
monitored muscle group.
Triggered-stimulation mode. If the patient, through muscle exertion,
is able to produce an EMG signal level equal to or greater than the
threshold, the unit will trigger one stimulation cycle. At the onset of
the triggered-stimulation mode, the unit says the word “good” once
to inform the patient of his success and that an externally and
electrically induced muscle contraction is about to take place.
Electrode alarm. If during stimulation, the user hears the “check
electrodes” prompt he should inspect the electrode placement and
ensure that good contact exists between the electrode and skin
surface. Refer to the
User’s Manual
for more information on proper
electrode placement and maintenance. Note that this message can
also indicate a cable fault.
The NeuroMove® has a 5 years warranty against product and material
defects from the date of delivery. The warranty does not apply to
accessories. The warranty provides that the product is used in accordance
with the protocol manual.
The warranty does not apply if the defect is due to improper use, changes, or
repairs made without the consent of Zynex Medical, Inc.