I.e., relax to the point where the displayed signal levels are actually dropping.
This phase will last for a programmed amount of time after which the unit will
return to the Ready mode and cycle will begin all over again.
During the Rest phase the threshold remains dotted, but EMG levels are again
displayed. As with the Ready phase, biofeedback principles are at work here.
In this case, the patient again can see what he’s accomplishing on the display
in terms of driving down the signal and therefore can relax accordingly in
order to lower the displayed signal levels.
When the Rest phase has completed, the system returns to the Ready phase
and cycle begins all over again. The patient then returns to the mode where
he is trying to “raise the bar”. I.e., he again exerts and imagines movement as
much as possible in order to retrigger the unit. Hopefully, retrigger can occur
at a higher level than was previously attained.
SCI Mode
This mode is similar to Stroke Rehab mode except that the unit is more
sensitive to input signals from the electrodes. The compromise is that the
range is somewhat limited as compared to Stroke Rehab mode. In Stroke
Rehab mode the detectable input signal range is 1.25 - 1000 microvolts. In SCI
mode, two ranges are selectable: 0.25 - 25 microvolts and 0.50 - 50 microvolts.
Most of the time, Stroke Rehab mode provides enough sensitivity. In those
instances where more sensitivity is needed, SCI mode can be used.