NeuLog galvanic skin response logger sensor NUL-217
The NeuLog GSR sensor can be used for any science experiment or activity
which utilizes the natural galvanic skin response (skin conductance) in the
fields of biology, physiology, psychology, etc.
Galvanic skin response, or skin conductance, is a measure of the changes in
the skin’s conductivity due to a stimulus, whether it is a picture, smell,
sound, touch, etc. Sweat glands are controlled by the sympathetic nervous
system which release small amounts of sweat when a stimulus is sensed.
This is how the GSR sensor can relate psycho-activity to sweat gland
The sensor comes pre-calibrated so you can start experimentation right out
of the box using this guide.
Hundreds of possible experimental subjects that can be done with the NUL-
217 sensors are: physiological and psychological relationships and
responses to stimuli, human biology demonstrations, lie detection, and
many more.
The GSR sensor uses the following units of measure:
Micro Siemens (µS): A unit measuring electrical conductance.
Arbitrary analog units (Arb): An arbitrary unit to demonstrate
waves, frequencies, and periods.
Connecting to the GSR sensor:
The GSR sensor needs to form a strong connection to the skin in order to
work properly. For better results, the skin should be clean and wet.
Attached are two probes with Velcro finger connectors. While conducting
experiments, remain as still as possible for the best results.
Clean the bases of two fingers on the same hand with alcohol and wet
them a little with water.
Wrap the Velcro connectors around the two bases of the fingers,
securing as tightly as possible without causing discomfort.
For best results, ensure the flat metal piece on each Velcro connector is
located on the underside of each finger.
Attach both the white and the black snap connectors (located on the
end of the wire) to the Velcro finger connector by snapping to the
exposed metal nub.
It does not matter which connector attaches to which finger.
You are now properly connected to the GSR sensor.
Quick start procedure:
PC or Mac Computer
Materials needed:
NUL-217 GSR Sensor
USB-200 USB Module
USB to mini USB cable (included with the USB-200 module)
Your GSR sensor needs to be connected to a USB-200 module. The USB-
200 module then connects to a computer via a USB to mini-USB cable.
Please note that you cannot plug the GSR sensor directly into a computer.