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Title NetVu Uniplex Desktop NVR Advanced Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
This menu shows the general information about the unit including the version of software installed,
the unit’s serial number and the allocated DHCP IP address.
Product Descriptor: Details the product model.
Platform: The type of hardware being used for the NVR.
Serial Number: Identifies the serial number of the specific unit.
System Name: This field can be edited to allocate a name to the unit, which can be typed directly
into a browser to access the configuration pages. This is displayed when the unit is accessed using
NetVu Enterprise Observer Software and is sent when transmitting information to a Remote Video
Response Centres (RVRC).
Account ID: Used to provide an additional method of remotely connecting to the NVR.
IP Address: This is the IP address allocated to the unit.
Sub Net: This is the subnet mask for the unit.
MAC Address: This is the MAC address assigned to the unit.
Zero conf address: The starting IP address of the closed IP network for this NVR.
Software Revision: The Software version of the NVR.
Switch Version: The software version of the onboard network switch.
Webpage revision: The Webpage version installed on this NVR.
Number of Cameras: The maximum number of cameras licensed for recording on this NVR.
Video Standard: Displays the video standard adopted by the unit (i.e. PAL or NTSC).
Video Storage: The amount of available hard disk storage installed.
Earliest Recording: Displays the date and time of the earliest recording held on the unit.