R720FLT is a wireless communication device for netvox ClassA device based on LoRaWAN open protocol.
The device is connected with two electrode rods to detect the water make-up of the toilet water tank, detect the daily water make-
up times and whether the water tank is faulty, and transmit the detected data to other devices through the wireless network for
display; Compatible with LoRaWAN protocol. The toilet water tank leakage detection device can cut the electrode rod to the
required length as required.
The status of the toilet water tank is determined according to the configured water make-up time (default is 5 minutes). When
the actual water make-up time of the toilet exceeds the preset time, the toilet water tank is in an abnormal state, and a data package
of the current voltage value, the current water make-up times and the status is reported.
Press the key to immediately detect the current voltage value, the current number and status of toilet water tank replenishment,
and report a current detected data packet.
Check the water supplement times every 24 hours. If the preset times are exceeded (50 times by default), the toilet water tank
is in an abnormal state, and report a data package of the current voltage value, current water supplement times and state of the
toilet water tank.
LoRa Wireless Technology:
LoRa is a wireless communication technology dedicated to long distance and low power consumption. Compared with other
communication methods, LoRa spread spectrum modulation method greatly increases to expand the communication distance.
Widely used in long-distance, low-data wireless communications. For example, automatic meter reading, building automation
equipment, wireless security systems, industrial monitoring. Main features include small size, low power consumption,
transmission distance, anti-interference ability and so on.
LoRaWAN uses LoRa technology to define end-to-end standard specifications to ensure interoperability between devices and
gateways from different manufacturers.