6. Data Report
The device will immediately send a version packet report along with an uplink packet including liquid level status, battery voltage.
The device sends data in the default configuration before any configuration is done.
Default Setting:
Maximum time: 15min
Minimum time: 15min (Detect the current voltage value and liquid level status by default setting)
BatteryVoltageChange: 0x01 (0.1V)
R718VB detection status:
The distance between liquid level and sensor reaches the threshold will report, and the threshold can adjust sensitivity
The device will detect the status regularly at the MinTime interval.
When the device detects liquid level, status = 1
When the device does not detect liquid level, status = 0
There are two conditions in which the device will report the status of the detected liquid and the battery voltage at MinTime interval:
a. When the liquid level changes from where the device can detect to where the device cannot detect. (1
0 )
b. When the liquid level changes from where the device cannot detect to where the device can detect. (0
If none of the above conditions is met, the device will report at the MaxTime interval.
For the analysis of the data command reported by the device, refer to the Netvox LoRaWAN Application Command document and
The device send data cycle depends on real programming configuration according to the customer’s inquiry.
The interval between two reports must be the minimum time.