Fail to join the network
(when the device is on)
Suggest to check the device verification information on the gateway with your platform
server provider.
Function Key
Press and hold for 5 seconds
Restore to factory setting / Turn off
The green indicator flashes for 20 times: success
The green indicator remains off: fail
Press once
The device is in the network: green indicator flashes once and sends a report
The device is not in the network: green indicator remains off
Sleeping Mode
The device is on and in the
Sleeping period: Min Interval.
When the reportchange exceeds setting value or the state changes: send a data report
according to Min Interval.
Low Voltage Warning
Low Voltage
5. Data Report
When the device is turned on, it will immediately send a version package.
The transmission frequency of sending version package is once every 24 hours.
Data will be reported once per hour by default setting.
Default setting:
Maximum time: 3600s
Minimum time: 3600s
Battery: 0x01 (0.1V)
R313W sensor is triggered:
When the R313W status changes, it will send warning report.
No water leak:0
Water leak:1
The reported data is decoded by the Netvox LoRaWAN Application Command document and