The local device password is the one that you specified. The local device password
is case-sensitive.
The BASIC Home page displays.
4. Select ADVANCED > Advanced Setup > Wireless Settings.
The Wireless Settings page displays.
5. Select or clear the Enable 11AX check box.
Selecting this check box enables 11AX for both radio bands. If you disable 11AX,
you cannot enable OFDMA for either radio band.
6. If 11AX is enabled, select or clear the Enable OFDMA in 2.4GHz check box.
Selecting this check box enables OFDMA in the 2.4 GHz radio band.
7. If 11AX is enabled, select or clear the Enable OFDMA in 5GHz check box.
Selecting this check box enables OFDMA in the 5 GHz radio band.
8. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved. The radio or radios restart and WiFi clients might need to
Enable or disable smart connect for the AP
Smart connect automatically selects the fastest WiFi band for a WiFi client device that
is connected to the AP. By default, smart connect is disabled. (During initial login, or
when you ran the Setup Wizard, you might have enabled smart connect.)
When smart connect is enabled, it applies to all WiFi networks on the AP. For each
individual WiFi network, the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands use the same WiFi network name
(SSID) and network key (WiFi password). That means that when you connect to a WiFi
network on the AP, you see only
SSID, which connects to both bands of the WiFi
Note: If smart connect is enabled and the SSID and passwords for the 2.4 GHz and
5 GHz bands do not match, the WiFi settings for 2.4 GHz band overwrite the WiFi settings
for the 5 GHz band.
If the smart connect feature is enabled, in addition to the SSID and network key, the
following WiFi settings apply to both radios simultaneously, which means that you cannot
configure these settings for each radio individually:
Enabling or disabling the WiFi radios
User Manual
Advanced WiFi and Radio
WiFi 6 AX1800/AX3200 Dual Band Wireless Access Points, WAX202 and WAX206