WiFi connection using WPS
You can connect to the router’s WiFi network with Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) or you
can find and select the WiFi network.
To use WPS to connect to the WiFi network:
1. Make sure that the router is receiving power (its Power LED is lit).
2. Check the WPS instructions for your computer or WiFi device.
3. Press the Sync button on the router.
4. Within two minutes, on your WiFi-enabled computer or mobile device, press its WPS
button or follow its instructions for WPS connections.
Your computer or mobile device connects to the WiFi network.
Types of logins
You must use different logins for different types of tasks:
Internet service login: The login information that your Internet service provider
(ISP) gave you lets your router connect to your Internet service. Your service provider
gave you this login information in a letter or some other way. If you cannot find this
login information, contact your ISP.
WiFi network login: Your router uses a preset WiFi network name (SSID) and
password for WiFi access. This information is on the router label. During setup, you
can change the WiFi network name (SSID) and password for increased security.
Orbi Pro router login: The password that logs you in to the router interface from a
web browser as the admin. The default password for initial login is password. During
setup or at initial login, you must specify a new password for increased security.
Use a web browser to access the router
When you connect to the network (either through WiFi or through an Ethernet cable),
you can use a web browser to access the router to view or change the settings for the
router and the satellites that you synced with the router.
The first time you log in to the router web interface, use the interactive Internet setup
process to connect your router to your Internet service. You can also set up your router
User Manual
Connect to the Orbi Pro WiFi 6
Network and Access the Router
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX6000 Router Model SXR80 and Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX6000 Satellite Model SXS80