Typically, your ISP provides the addresses of one or two DNS servers for your use.
If you entered a DNS address during the router’s configuration, restart your computer.
Alternatively, you can configure your computer manually with a DNS address, as
explained in the documentation for your computer.
The router might not be configured as the default gateway on your computer.
Reboot the computer and verify that the router address (orbilogin.com) is listed by
your computer as the default gateway address.
You might be running login software that is no longer needed. If your ISP provided
a program to log you in to the Internet, you no longer need to run that software after
installing your router.
Troubleshoot PPPoE
If you are using PPPoE, try troubleshooting your Internet connection.
To troubleshoot a PPPoE connection:
1. Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device that is connected to your
Orbi network.
2. Enter orbilogin.com.
A login window displays.
If your browser does not display a login window but displays a security warning and
does not let you proceed, see What to do if you get a browser security warning on
page 33.
3. Enter the admin user name and password.
The user name is admin. The password is the one that you set the first time that you
logged in. The user name and password are case-sensitive.
The BASIC Home page displays.
4. Click the ADVANCED tab.
The ADVANCED Home page displays.
5. In the Internet Port pane, click the Connection Status button.
The Connection Status window opens.
6. Check the Connection Status window to see if your PPPoE connection is active and
If the router is not connected, click the Connect button.
The router continues to attempt to connect indefinitely.
User Manual
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX6000 Router Model SXR80 and Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX6000 Satellite Model SXS80