Image above show 6 pole setup.
Assemble the poles. These are in four sections, 3x tube and 1x Ground spike.
Connect the poles together so that the push button is on the same plane as the inverted V on the Ground spike.
Fit the hooks to the top of the poles with the nuts and wrenches provided.
Locate a corner of the net, (where 3 seams meet), feed a pole underneath and locate into the corner of the net.
The net will rest on the hook at the top of the pole. Repeat this for the other three corners.
Attach 2 guy lines to each hook that faces outwards with snap hooks provided.
With a person at each corner lift the poles and net into an upright position, push the poles into the ground,
(If the ground is hard, hammer a steel rod/chisel into the ground to create a starter hole.)
Adjust the guy lines to hold the poles upright.
Evenly space the intermediate poles between the corner poles attach guy lines and push into the ground.
Once erected you may need to go around the frame and adjust guy lines to even out the net.
Once this is done you can hook the net over the inverted V at the bottom to tighten net.
Attach 1 internal guy line to hooks that faces inwards between 2 poles using snap hooks provided.
Internal guy line