Settings / Rules
Rules are used to control actions according to a specific event. For example, you can define a rule to switch
a power outlet OFF and send an alert message using different methods like SNMP or Syslog when a
temperature, humidity, ambient light or current exceeds a predefined value or when a contact is open.
- To remove an existing rule, click on "Delete" of the corresponding rule.
- To modify a rule, click on "Edit" of the corresponding rule.
This page is used to create, modify and delete rules.
- To add a new rule, click on "Add a New Rule" on the right side of the page.
A new page appears, allowing you to set all the parameters of the rule.
A total of 32 rules can be created and there are 8 different types of rules:
1. Schedule Rule:
This rule is used to trigger user-specified actions according to a defined time table.
This rule can be used to:
- execute
defined actions at specified time and weekday(s). In this case you must only specify the start
time and the weekday(s),
- execute
defined actions during a given time. In this case you must specify the start time, the
interval on which the rule has to be repeated and the end time.
- The rule could be used to restart a power outlet (or a group of power outlets) at regular interval during a
given time.
- The rule could be used to send sensor values over SNMP or a Syslog message at regular interval during a
given time.
2. Timer Rule:
This rule can be used to trigger user-specified actions according to a defined time table.
This rule can be used to switch On or Off a power outlet (or a group of power outlets) or a digital output at
specified time and weekday(s) for a specified time. You must define the start time, the weekday(s) and the
stop time.
- The rule could be used to switch On a device every Monday and Friday from 8:00 AM (Start Time) and
switch it automatically off every Monday and Friday at 05:00 PM (Stop Time)
3. Ping Monitoring Rule:
This rule is used to control actions according to the response to a Ping command.
This rule can be used to check if a computer or any IP device is connected to the network. If the host doesn't
reply, the ePowerSwitch 4IEC can automatically restart the powered device.
4. Scan Monitoring Rule:
This rule is used to control actions according to the response to a Scan command.
This rule can be used to check if a specific protocol is available on a. If the connection is not possible,
ePowerSwitch 4IEC can automatically restart the powered device.
5. Power Supply Monitoring Rule:
This rule is used to control actions according to the state of the power supplies of the ePowerSwitch 4IEC
and its peripherals like the ePowerSwitch 8XS and the Digital Input Module.
6. Digital Input Monitoring Rule:
This rule is used to control actions according to the state of a sensor, Push Button or a dry contact from the
Digital Input Module.