Instructions to put Sensory Carts into use
You will receive the multisensory cart in a wooden box, as shown below.
The box is assembled with screws. Unscrew the front wooden plate and then drive the cart out with 2
persons because of weight and to prevent damage.
After that, the foil can be removed from the plexiglass for the aquarium /screen (depending on your
version of sensory cart)
Remove the key and open the door.
Do the same for the backpart. The key hangs with a tie-wrap in the opening of the door (the handle).
(With the sensory equipment wagon, the key is on top of the cart (44502010).
You can tilt the rear part upwards slightly upwards by pushing on the footrest, so that it is easier to
enter / exit.
Now fill the bubble tube with water, be careful not to fill it too full or poor water outside the tube, to
avoid damaging electronic parts. See further instructions for bubble tubes on our website. Attention !
not connect
the snoezelkar yet if it is not yet filled with water!