Further configuration is done via a configuration file. This configuration file can be found in <Current
user>\<Application data>\Local\Nedap\LibAssist\manager_config.txt . The exact path varies depending
on the operating system used. For example for a Windows 7 user named John Smith, the actual path
would be
C:\Users\John Smith\AppData\Local\Nedap\LibAssist\manager_config.txt
This configuration file should only be modified in special cases. We recommend that a backup copy of
the file is always made before making any changes.
It is possible to translate the application user interface to different languages. Currently, English and
Finnish translations are shipped with the application. More can be added by modifying the file
Translations.xml in the application executable directory. This file contains key-value pairs where the key
is used to identify a user interface element and the value contains the translation.
Changing the language is done in the Settings form (File -> Settings menu entry in the main window).