Using the Manager application
Manager application main window
The Manager application is required for communicating with the hand held devices. In Manager, you
select lists of items to send to devices and read item lists back from devices. Item lists are based on text
files, typically a TAB separated text file, generated from your ILS system.
Manager application main window looks like this:
At the top you can see action buttons for reading and writing item lists, sending lists to hand held
devices and reading from hand held devices.
On the left side is a list of items in the Manager application. The Manager application keeps a local
database with a list of items in it, so that if you close the application and restart it later, it will have the
same list.
On the right side (gray in the image above) will be shown a list of items in a selected device. Notice that
more than one device can be connected to one Manager application at any given time. To select which
device you are working with, use the drop down list at the top of the device item list.