Clock Generator
Chapter 4
Preliminary User’s Manual U17566EE1V2UM00
4.3 Power Save Modes
This chapter describes the various power save modes and how they are
operated. For details see:
“Power save modes description” on page 167
“Power save mode activation” on page 179
“CPU operation after power save mode release” on page 181
Power save modes description
This section explains the various power save modes in detail.
During power save
During all power save modes, the pins behave as follows:
• All output pins retain their function. That means all outputs are active,
provided the required clock source is available.
• All input pins remain as input pins.
• All input pins with stand-by wake-up capability remain active, the function of
all others is disabled.
During all power save modes, the main and sub oscillator clock monitors
remain active, provided that the monitored oscillator is operating. If the
oscillator is switched off during stand-by, the associated clock monitor enters
stand-by as well.
Wake-up signals
The following signals can awake the controller from power save modes IDLE,
• Reset signals
– external RESET
– Power-On-Clear reset RESPOC
– Watchdog Timer reset RESWDT
The Watchdog Timer must be configured to generate the reset WDTRES
in case of overflow (WDTM.WDTMODE = 1) and it’s input clock WDTCLK
must be active during stand-by.
– Clock monitors resets RESCMM, RESCMS
The main oscillator respectively sub oscillator must be active during
• Non maskable interrupts
– NMI0
The appropriate port must be configured correctly.
The Watchdog Timer must be configured to generate the in case of
overflow (WDTM.WDTMODE = 0) and it’s input clock WDTCLK must be
active during stand-by.
• Maskable interrupts
– external interrupts INTPn
The appropriate port must be configured correctly.
– CAN wake up interrupts INTCnWUP
The appropriate port and the CAN (CnCTRL.PSMODE[1:0] = 01
) must
be configured correctly.
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