Dispenser Functional Description
Pick Modules
NCR 5635 Spray Currency Dispenser Service Manual
Use pursuant to Company Instructions
The above pick and feed operation repeats until the bill count of
good bills at the pick sensor equals the number given by the
dispense command.
Pick Sensor
A photosensor, mounted between the pick mechanism and the
transport section, detects that a bill has been picked from the
cassette. The pick sensor consists of two assemblies hard wired to
the pick harness. A photo-transistor is on one assembly and an
infra-red light emitting diode is on the other. The light emitting
diode is in the same assembly as the cassette low sensor. The pick
sensor and the LED are attached so that they “look” across the path
of the notes so that when a note blocks the light path, it is detected.
The pick sensor output is converted into note width by monitoring
the number of interrupts while the sensor is blocked with the
interrupts generated by the main transport timing disk on the
presenter. A difference of plus 5 or minus 5 timing wheel ticks in
width from the known width of the currency (stored in NVRAM)
will cause the note to be rejected to the purge bin and the pick to be
attempted three more times.
Cassette Low Sensor
The cassette low sensor consists of a reed switch attached to the pick
module keyplate. The reed switch is held on a bracket which
projects into the open door of the cassette. It operates when a
permanent magnet attached to the currency pusher mechanism
approaches the front of the cassette. In the plastic cassette, the
position of this magnet can be set to actuate the switch when either
75 50 or 200 50 bills are left.
Pick Module
The vertical transport of the pick modules on the 5635 dispenser
consists of three belts stretched between an upper driven shaft and a
lower idler shaft. Smooth plastic skid plates project between the
centre belt and the two outer belts. The belts press the centre and
ends of the notes beyond the top surface of the skid plates so that
the notes are held in pinch and adopt a shallow W-shape as they are
driven upwards into, either, the transport of a higher pick module,
or the spray presenter transport.
master.bk Page 14 Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:35 AM