NCast Presentation Recorder Reference Manual
3.5. C
The Custom Settings page allows users of the Presentation Recorder to define unique dimensions for the
Frame Size (capture window), Aspect Ratios, Main and PIP windows, and Graphics and Text Overlay
images. These custom definitions are used in conjunction with Layout options in the Channel Table (see
Section 4.4) and settings on the Sources page(see Section 6.1), so it is necessary to understand Channel
Layout options and Source selections first to fully appreciate the custom definitions which are entered here.
3.5.1. Custom Frame Sizes
The Channel Table permits the selection of many common, industry standard frame sizes. However, if a
special composite image is desired (some combination of Main, PIP and Overlay windows) then the user
would probably have to define a custom Frame Size.
NCast Corporation
Revision 1.1
Page 22