Congratulations on the purchase
of your new System 50, by Navtec.
Navtec Hydraulic Systems are an industry standard and have
been for more than a decade. The System 50 you’ve
purchased represents the ongoing ergonomic and mechan-
ical design program Navtec has initiated to address the
changing needs of modern yachts and the people who
sail them.
System 50 is designed for improved functioning at all levels
– operational, mechanical, and ergonomic. It also is
designed to accommodate a two-speed auto-pump or
a hydraulic power pack. The end result is an advanced,
flexible, intelligently designed hydraulic control system for
yachts 35 to 70 feet long.
About your
new Navtec System 50
Hydraulic Control Panel.
w w w. n a v t e c . n e t
i n f o @ n a v t e c . n e t
351 New Whitfield Street • Guilford, CT 06437 USA • Tel (203) 458-3163 • Fax (203) 458-9291