Appendix B
Navis Standard Interface Protocol BINR
V1.00 20.05.2008
Navis Standard Interface Protocol BINR
Interface Scope
The NAVIS standard Interface Protocol BINR provides the customers and system designer with
possibilities to configure a GNSS navigation receiver for optimum performance in a variety of
The BINR protocol is used especially in the NAVIS navigation receivers. This protocol is based on
the transmission of packets of information between the user equipment and the receiver. Each
packet includes an identification code (1 byte, representing 2 hexadecimal digits) that identifies the
meaning and format of the data that follows. Each packet begins and ends with control characters.
This Appendix describes in detail the format of the transmitted data, the packet identification codes,
and all available information over the output channel to allow the user to choose the data required
for his particular application.
Communication line
Bi-directional serial interface RS-232 (COM-port) uses as communication line for BINR protocol.
Connection is based on the null modem chart (used only 3 lines: receive, transmit and common
(GND)). The next COM-port settings required for normal operation mode:
- one stop bit
- size of byte 8 bits
- odd checking;
- flow control is disabled
Baud rate could be changed by user from 4800 bauds up to 115200 bauds.
Packet Structure
BINR packets structure is the same for both commands and reports. The packet format is:
<DLE> <id> <data string bytes> <DLE> <ETX>
<DLE> is the byte 0x10
<ETX> is the byte 0x03
<id> is a packet identifier byte, which can have any value excepting <ETX> and <DLE>.