Appendix A
Navis Standard Interface Protocol BINR
V1.00 20.05.2008
Packet Structure
BINR packets structure is the same for both commands and reports. The packet format is:
<DLE> <id> <data string bytes> <DLE> <ETX>
<DLE> is the byte 0x10
<ETX> is the byte 0x03
<id> is a packet identifier byte, which can have any value excepting <ETX> and <DLE>.
The bytes in the data string can have any value. To prevent confusion with the frame sequences
<DLE> <ID> and <DLE> <ETX>, every <DLE> byte in the data string is preceded by an extra
<DLE> byte ('stuffing'). These extra <DLE> bytes must be added ('stuffed') before sending a packet
and removed after receiving the packet. Notice that a simple <DLE> <ETX> sequence does not
necessarily signify the end of the packet, as these can be bytes in the middle of a data string. The
end of a packet is <ETX> preceded by an odd number of <DLE> bytes.