User & Service Manual
Trex™ HD Monitoring Amplifier
10. Nonin Xpod Pulse Oximeter
Refer to the Instructions for Use for any pulse oximeter, sensor, or cable
extender prior to use.
The following topic lists the specifications for the Nonin Xpod board that is built into the Trex HD
Monitoring Amplifier. The board connects to sensors and provides oxygen saturation, pulse rate, pulse
waveform, and other output information via the NeuroWorks software. The Trex HD Monitoring Amplifier
provides power and isolates the board from the main power and ground.
The user of this medical equipment can verify the operation of the pulse oximeter by appropriately
applying the proper sensor, and viewing the generated SpO2 signal and pulse rate display using the
The SpO2 and pulse rate waveforms are not normalized.
10.1. No Implied License
Possession or purchase of this device does not convey any express or implied license to use the device
with replacement parts which would, alone, or in any combination with this device, fall within the scope of
one or more of the patents relating to this device.
10.2. Indications for Use
The Xpod is intended to provide medical device manufacturers with a small, low-power oximeter that can
be easily attached to a host device externally. The Xpod measures functional oxygen saturation of arterial
hemoglobin (%SpO2) and pulse rate (BPM) for adult, pediatric, infant and neonatal patients. When
integrated with a medical device manufacturer’s host system, the Xpod may be used in any environment
where pulse oximetry measurements are made.
Additional safety information can be found in the labeling provided with each Nonin sensor.
10.3. Accessories
The following Nonin accessories may be used with the Xpod module. See the respective sensor
instructions for detailed information regarding specified sensor use (patient population, body/tissue, and
Model Number
7.5” 90-degree Patient Cable
Patient Extension Cable (where “X” is 1, 3, 6 or 9 meters)