VII. Data Management
3i Newborn Hearing Screener IFU 024913 RevD Revision Date 08/05/2020
To delete screening records
The ALGO 3i screener stores a maximum of 100 screening records at this time. Records are
stored by date of the test, with the most recent test appearing first in the Review/Select Records
area. Because the ALGO 3i screener automatically saves a screening record at the end of every
test, it allows users to delete records, and also deletes records automatically in order to save new
Once a record has been deleted from the ALGO 3i screener, it cannot be retrieved. The ALGO
3i screener will always ask for confirmation before deleting a record from its memory.
Automatic deletion of a screening record
Whenever 100 records are stored in the ALGO 3i screener, the ALGO 3i screener will ask
permission to delete the oldest record stored in the device, prior to initiating screening. If a
screening mode is selected from MainMenu, the following message will appear:
Clicking “OK” will cause the oldest record (by date and time of the test) to be permanently
deleted from the ALGO 3i screener, enabling one screening record to be added. The ALGO 3i
screener will proceed with screening as usual, and will save a record at the conclusion of the test.
Clicking “X” will cause the ALGO 3i screener to return to MainMenu WITHOUT deleting the
oldest screening record. Before screening can be performed, record(s) must be deleted from the
ALGO 3i screener memory.
Manual deletion of screening records
As with the print and export functions, you may delete a subset of, or all records stored in the
ALGO 3i screener.