Chapter 12
LQG/H-Infinity Synthesis
National Instruments Corporation
Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
Figure 12-5.
LQG/H-Infinity Frequency Weights Window
Synthesis Modes and Window Usage
In addition to the standard LQG/H
synthesis, any combination of three
additional features is supported:
Integral action
Exponential time weighting (guaranteed decay rate). This feature is
only enabled in the case of LQG design.
Input and output weight editing
In the Main
window, the synthesis mode is reported in the text in the titlebar
at the top. The
Int Time
(integral action time) toggle button enables
and disables integral action. The
Decay Rate
toggle button controls
exponential time weighting. The
Weight Edit
toggle button enables and
disables output weight editing. The
Hinf Bound
toggle button enables and
disables design mode.