Chapter 6
Common Questions and Troubleshooting
National Instruments Corporation
VXIpc 770/870B Series User Manual
How do I install or reinstall the VXI and VISA drivers?
The best way to install NI-VXI and NI-VISA is to set up networking on
your controller so you can access
to download the latest drivers
that support your controller. If you cannot access the network, copies of
these drivers should be available in the
directory on your hard
After you obtain these drivers, uninstall any old versions of NI-VXI or
NI-VISA and follow the installation instructions downloaded or included
with the driver you want to install.
How do I install software from a CD?
If your controller does not have an integrated CD-ROM drive, you have the
following options:
—Windows 2000/XP supports USB mass storage
devices. With most USB CD-ROM drives, once you plug the drive into
the USB port, you should be able to access the drive through a drive
SCSI, LPT, or PC card-based CD-ROM
—Other types of CD-ROM
drives are available. Check with the vendor to make sure
Windows 2000/XP supports the drive.
Mapped network drive
—You can use the Ethernet to connect to
another computer. If you share the CD-ROM drive on the other
computer, you can map the shared CD-ROM drive to a drive letter
on the VXIpc 770/870B Series.
How do I flash a new BIOS?
You need to download the new BIOS from
. To download the new BIOS, follow the instructions
on the Web site.
Where do I get the latest software and peripheral drivers?
You can download the latest drivers from