Optional Items
Additional SMA (m)-to-SMA (m) cables to use the REF IN and PPS IN signals
1 G or 10 G Ethernet cable
CDA-2990 Clock Distribution Device for synchronizing multiple devices
GPS antenna
10 G Ethernet card for desktop
NI recommends using the Ettus 10 Gigabit Ethernet Card for Desktop,
available at
Installing the Software
You must be an Administrator to install NI software on your computer.
Ensure that you have installed the latest version of NI Package Manager. To access the
download page for NI Package Manager, go to
and enter Info Code
Install LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite.
Install the latest NI-USRP instrument driver using NI Package Manager.
Follow the instructions in the installation prompts.
Windows users may see access and security messages during
installation. Accept the prompts to complete the installation.
Connecting to a Computer
For most applications, the USRP-2974 must be connected either to a desktop computer or a
laptop computer.
Install any software you plan to use on the desktop computer or laptop computer before you
connect the hardware.
(Optional) Connect any additional attachments required for your project to the front panel
or back panel terminals of the USRP-2974.
Connect the USRP-2974 to an Ethernet port on the local subnet or directly to the
computer using an Ethernet cable.
Connection Action
Connect the RJ45 connector of the USRP-2974 front panel to the Ethernet
port of the computer.
USRP-2974 Getting Started Guide
© National Instruments