© National Instruments Corporation
SCXI-1124 User Manual
About This Manual
This manual describes the electrical and mechanical aspects of the SCXI-1124 and contains
information concerning its installation and operation.
The SCXI-1124 is one of the National Instruments Signal Conditioning eXtensions for
Instrumentation (SCXI) Series modules. The SCXI-1124 provides six channels of voltage or
current output. Each channel is isolated and independently configurable.
Organization of This Manual
The SCXI-1124 User Manual is organized as follows:
Ô Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the SCXI-1124; lists the contents of your SCXI-1124 kit;
describes the optional software, optional equipment, and custom cables; and explains how to
unpack the SCXI-1124 kit.
Ô Chapter 2, Configuration and Installation, describes the SCXI-1124 jumper configurations,
installation of the SCXI-1124 into the SCXI chassis, and cable wiring.
Ô Chapter 3, Signal Connections, describes the signal connections to the SCXI-1124 module
via the SCXI-1124 front connector and via the rear signal connector, and includes
specifications and connection instructions for the SCXI-1124 connector signals.
Ô Chapter 4, Theory of Operation, contains a functional overview of the SCXI-1124 module
and explains the operation of each functional unit of the SCXI-1124.
Ô Chapter 5, Calibration, discusses the calibration procedures for the SCXI-1124 module.
Ô Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications for the SCXI-1124.
Ô Appendix B, Customer Communication, contains forms you can use to request help from
National Instruments or to comment on our products.
Ô The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms used in this manual,
including abbreviations, acronyms, metric prefixes, mnemonics, and symbols.
Ô The Index contains an alphabetical list of key terms and topics in this manual, including the
page where you can find each one.