Chapter 3
Configuring Your SCXI Hardware and Software
SCXI-1104/C Module
This module is for signal conditioning of low voltage and medium voltage
signals. The SCXI-1104 has 32 differential analog input channels. On each
channel, the SCXI-1104 has a three-pole lowpass filter with a 2 Hz cutoff
frequency to reject 60 Hz noise. Each channel also has a divide by 10
attenuator stage before the amplifier. You can multiplex the SCXI-1104
inputs to a single output, which drives a single DAQ device channel.
This module is for signal conditioning of low voltage and medium voltage
signals. The SCXI-1104C has 32 differential analog input channels. On
each channel, the SCXI-1104C has a three-pole lowpass filter with a
10 kHz cutoff frequency. Each channel also has a divide by 10 attenuator
stage before the amplifier. You can multiplex the SCXI-1104C inputs to a
single output, which drives a single DAQ device channel.
SCXI-1112 Module
The SCXI-1112 module is an 8-channel module designed for measuring
temperature using thermocouples. Each of the eight channels includes input
protection circuitry to 42 V, a lowpass 2 Hz noise filter, and a fixed gain of
100. The SCXI-1112 works only in multiplexed mode. Use Measurement
& Automation Explorer to configure the SCXI-1112. The SCXI-1112 is
software configurable and contains no jumpers.
SCXI-1120/D Module
The SCXI-1120/D module is an 8-channel isolation amplifier. Features
of the SCXI-1120/D include eight isolated input channels, 250 V
common-mode voltage range, jumper-selectable lowpass filtering, and
individually configurable jumper-selectable channel gains of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20,
50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, and 2,000.
The SCXI-1120/D is factory configured for use with an MIO or AI device
in DIFF mode; each module channel is configured for a gain of 1,000 (input
range of ±5 mV), and 4 Hz filtering (4.5 kHz for the SCXI-1120/D). If this
configuration is suitable for your application, do not reposition any of the