Chapter 2
Installation and BIOS Setup
Restore User Defaults
To set this feature, select Restore User Defaults from the Exit menu and press <Enter>.
Use this feature to retrieve user-defined settings that were saved previously.
Boot Override
Listed on this section are other boot options for the system (i.e., Built-in EFI shell).
Select an option and press <Enter>. Your system will boot to the selected boot option.
BIOS Error Beep Codes
Errors may occur during the Power-On Self-Test (POST) routines, which are performed each
time the system is powered on.
Nonfatal errors are those which, in most cases, allow the system to continue the boot-up process.
The error messages normally appear on the screen.
Fatal errors do not allow the system to continue the boot-up procedure. If a fatal error occurs,
consult with your system manufacturer about possible repairs.
OS Reinstallation and Recovery
Recovering the OS using the hard drive-based recovery or the OS
recovery USB erases the contents of your hard disk. Before recovering the OS, back
up any files you want to keep.
The RMC-8356 includes a preinstalled OS from the factory. The RMC-8356 also includes
two methods of restoring/reinstalling the OS to your system.
Hard drive-based recovery stores a factory backup on a separate portion of your hard drive,
allowing you to restore your server without additional media.
Table 2-1.
BIOS Error Beep Codes
Beep Code
Error Message
One beep
Circuits have been reset.
(Ready to power up.)
Five short beeps and one
long beep
Memory error
No memory is detected in
the system
One beep per device
One beep for each USB
device detected
One continuous beep
System overheat
System is overheating