Measure the PXIe-5654 RF OUT front panel connector power using the power meter.
Correct the power meter reading for the RF frequency.
Verify that the output power measured in step 6 meets the limits in the following table.
Table 7. RF OUT Maximum Power Limits
Frequency (MHz)
As-Found Limit (dBm)
As-Left Limit (dBm)
0.25 to ≤250
>250 to ≤2,800
>2,800 to ≤4,370
>4,370 to ≤12,100
>12,100 to ≤18,000
>18,000 to 20,000
Repeat steps 4 through 7 for all test frequencies you created in step 3.
Close the external calibration session.
Optional Verification
Use the following procedures to verify nonwarranted specifications for the PXIe-5654.
Verifying RF OUT Amplitude Accuracy
This procedure verifies that the internal signal generation circuitry is adjusted for correct
amplitude accuracy.
Connect the power sensor to the PXIe-5654 RF OUT front panel connector as shown in
the following figure.
PXIe-5654 Calibration Procedure
© National Instruments