National Instruments Corporation
Getting Started with Your PCI/PXI-6810 SDA
5 V, operating characteristics, A-4
+5 V signal (table), 4-4
adjustable voltage transceivers, 3-3
alternate low-voltage power switch, 2-1 to 2-2
application examples, 2-8
bulletin board support, B-1
cabling options, 1-2
clock circuitry, 1-1 to 1-2
clock specifications, A-1
external clock, A-1
internal clock, A-1
J2 pin assignments (table), 1-5
using with PXI, 1-4
CompactPCI Specification, 1-4
ComponentWorks software, 1-6
configuration. See also installation.
alternate low-voltage power switch,
2-1 to 2-2
using 6810 Soft Front Panel, 2-6 to 2-7
CTS<0..1> signal (table), 4-3
customer communication, xii, B-1 to B-2
DAQ DIO ASIC, 3-1, 3-2
development environment, installing, 2-2
digital I/O
overview, 1-2
static, 3-3
digital I/O interface specifications, A-3 to A-4
external power supply requirements, A-3
operating characteristics at 5 V, A-4
operating characteristics with external
power, A-3
DIO<0..7> signals (table), 4-3
conventions used in manual, x-xi
electronic documentation, 1-3
example applications, 2-8
National Instruments documentation, xi
online documentation, 2-8
organization of manual, ix-x
related documentation, xi-xii
DOE_CH<0..1> signal (table), 4-4
driver software, 1-6 to 1-7
e-mail support, B-2
electronic documentation, 1-3
electronic support services, B-1 to B-2
environment specifications, A-5
equipment, optional, 1-8
example applications, 2-8
external clock specifications, A-1