Kit Contents
Figure 1.
NI 414x Kit Contents
1. NI PXIe-414x SMU Device
2. Output Connector Assembly
3. Driver Software DVD
4. NI PXIe-4140/4141/4142/4143/4144/4145 Getting
Started Guide (this document)
5. Maintain Forced-Air Cooling Note to Users
Other Equipment
There are several required items not included in your device kit that you need to operate the
NI 414x. Your application may require additional items not included in your kit to install or
operate your device.
Required Items
A PXI Express chassis and chassis documentation. For more information about
compatible chassis options, refer to
A PXI Express embedded controller or MXI controller system that meets the system
requirements specified in this guide and chassis documentation.
Optional Items
NI screwdriver (part number 781015-01).
NI PXIe-414x Getting Started Guide
© National Instruments