National Instruments Corporation
Windows NT: Troubleshooting
and Common Questions
This appendix describes how to troubleshoot problems with the NI-CAN
software for Windows NT and answers some common questions.
Missing CAN Interface in the NI-CAN
Configuration Utility
The NI-CAN Configuration utility contains configuration information
for all of the CAN hardware it is aware of that is installed in your system.
To start the NI-CAN Configuration utility, double-click on
Configuration under Start»Settings»Control Panel
If the CAN interface you are looking for is not listed under
Instruments CAN Interfaces
, the CAN interface is not properly installed.
For National Instruments CAN hardware, this problem indicates that the
interface is not physically present in the system. If the interface is firmly
plugged into its slot and the problem persists, contact National Instruments.
Troubleshooting Diagnostic Utility Failures
The following sections explain common error messages generated by the
NI-CAN Diagnostic utility.
No Resources Assigned
This error occurs if you have not assigned resources to the CAN interface.
Refer to Chapter 2,
Installation and Configuration
, in your NI-CAN getting
started manual for information on assigning memory and interrupt
resources to the CAN interface.
Memory Resource Conflict
This error occurs if the memory resource assigned to a CAN interface
conflicts with the memory resources being used by other devices in the