Chapter 1
What Is LabVIEW?
LabVIEW is a powerful graphical programming language for building
instrumentation systems featuring interactive graphics and state-of-the-art
user interface. With LabVIEW, you can quickly create front panel user
interfaces, giving you interactive control of the software system. To specify
the functionality, you intuitively assemble block diagrams—a natural
design notation for engineers and scientists. LabVIEW has all of the same
development tools and language capabilities of a standard language such as
C—looping and Case structures, configuration management tools, and
compiled performance.
The LabVIEW Data Acquisition VI Library, a series of VIs for using
LabVIEW with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is included with
Use NI-DAQ with LabVIEW to control the NI 435
What Is LabWindows/CVI?
LabWindows/CVI is an interactive ANSI C programming environment
designed for automated test applications. LabWindows/CVI enhances
traditional programming languages.
The LabWindows/CVI Data Acquisition Library, a series of functions for
using LabWindows/CVI with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is
included with the NI-DAQ kit. The LabWindows/CVI Data Acquisition
library is functionally equivalent to NI-DAQ.
Use the NI 435
instrument driver with LabWindows/CVI.
What Is the NI 435
Instrument Driver?
An instrument driver packages instrument capabilities as a set of standard
functions. Each function corresponds to a programmatic operation such as
configuring, reading from, writing to, and starting and stopping the
measurements. An instrument driver reduces the program development
time and simplifies instrument control by eliminating the need to learn
complex programming protocol for each instrument.
The NI 435
instrument driver provides programmability in a standard
instrument driver format. The instrument driver application programming
interface (API) was designed after a traditional, full-featured data logger
instrument driver. The NI 435
instrument driver is
VXI Plug and Play
compliant and also contains the source code, so you can examine and
modify it. The NI 435
instrument driver works with LabVIEW,