Ensure the Azimuth Profile and Elevation Profile plots look similar to the following
figure, where the
Azimuth Peak
is approximately 0° and the
Elevation Peak
approximately -90°.
Figure 8. Set Absolute Home Window
Set Absolute Home
to save the position in the chamber. The position remains
saved in the chamber after restarting the system.
After antenna alignment is complete, perform system calibration to determine path losses in
the system.
Performing System Calibration
Use the RF System Calibration Assistant to perform a full system calibration on all the
mmWave OTA Validation Test Reference Architecture hardware components.
The following steps are for RF system calibration only. Contact your NI
services personnel if your system requires IF calibration.
NI recommends performing system calibration in any of the following situations:
After any module in the chassis is installed, uninstalled, or moved
After inter-module cabling has been changed, reconnected, or repositioned
After changing controllers, computers, or reinstalling software
After self-calibration is performed on the individual instruments
The following components are required for system calibration:
PXIe-5831 Vector Signal Transceiver and mmRH-5582 mmWave Radio Head
Rohde & Schwarz NRP50S Power Meter
The Rohde & Schwarz NRP50S Power Meter requires software that is not
included with the mmWave OTA Validation Test Software. Install the power meter
driver software before you complete the following steps.
Connect the power meter USB cable to the PXI chassis USB port.
Open the RF System Calibration Assistant and click
Start Calibration
mmWave OTA Validation Test Reference Architecture