Chapter 2 Getting Started with Data Acquisition Tasks
© National Instruments Corporation
Measure Data Acquisition User Manual
Figure 2-2. Analog Input Configuration
Configuring an Analog Input Task
From the Analog Input Configuration dialog box, you can specify all
the parameters for an analog input operation. In the following steps,
you create a simple analog input task. Refer to Chapter 4, Analog Input
Reference, for more detailed information about the different options for
analog input.
The Analog Input Scan List at the top of the dialog box is where
you specify the input channels on your DAQ device from which
you would like to acquire data. For each input channel you add to
the scan list, you must specify a high and low voltage limit for the
signals that you read. Measure puts default values for your device
in the high and low limit fields. Measure uses these limits to
configure the gain settings on your DAQ device for maximum
measurement accuracy.
in the Channel field and click on the Add>> button to
place the channel into your scan list.
In the Scan Information section of the dialog box, you specify how
many scans of your channel list are to be acquired. A scan is a
single measurement from each channel in your scan list. In this