National Instruments Corporation
IMAQ Vision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
Joint Photographic Experts Group. Image file format for storing 8-bit and
color images with lossy compression (extension JPG).
Structure that represents a pixel and its relationship to its neighbors. The
relationship is specified by weighted coefficients of each neighbor.
The process by which each object in a binary image is assigned a unique
value. This process is useful for identifying the number of objects in the
image and giving each object a unique identity.
Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench. Program
development environment application based on the programming language
G used commonly for test and measurement applications.
Laplacian filter
Extracts the contours of objects in the image by highlighting the variation
of light intensity surrounding a pixel.
line gauge
Measures the distance between selected edges with high-precision subpixel
accuracy along a line in an image. For example, this function can be used
to measure distances between points and edges. This function also can step
and repeat its measurements across the image.
line profile
Represents the gray-level distribution along a line of pixels in an image.
linear filter
A special algorithm that calculates the value of a pixel based on its own
pixel value as well as the pixel values of its neighbors. The sum of this
calculation is divided by the sum of the elements in the matrix to obtain a
new pixel value.
logarithmic and inverse
gamma corrections
Expand low gray-level information in an image while compressing
information from the high gray-level ranges.
logarithmic function
Increases the brightness and contrast in dark regions of an image and
decreases the contrast in bright regions of the image.