Chapter 1
General Description
GPIB address configuration
VXIbus interrupt handler configuration
IEEE 488.2 common commands
Instrument development and test
VXIbus access
Word Serial communication
CI user and development
CI configuration
You can access the command set from the GPIB port, the serial port, and
through Word Serial Protocol communication. You also can use separate
programmable local command response modes for interactive and control
program operation.
Code Instruments
The GPIB-VXI/C can run software modules called
Code Instruments
(CIs) that perform special functions in the VXIbus environment. The CIs
supported by National Instruments provide the following:
Optimized I/O through NI-VISA (the NI-VISA CI; refer to
Appendix A,
Using the NI-VISA Code Instrument
, for more
High-speed access to VXI memory and registers (the DMAmove CI;
refer to Appendix B,
Using the DMAmove and CDS-852 Adapter Code
, for more information)
Communication with Colorado Data Systems 73A-852 adapter
modules (the CDS-852 CI; refer to Appendix B,
and CDS-852 Adapter Code Instruments
, for more information)
National Instruments does not support other CIs from legacy GPIB-VXI/C
applications or development of new custom CIs.