Chapter 1
General Description
National Instruments Corporation
TNT4882C ASIC coupled with DMA
Full, transparent support of individual status bytes for each GPIB
Buffered operation decouples GPIB and VXIbus operation
Controller can address one VXIbus device to talk and one or more
other VXIbus devices to listen
IEEE 488.1 capabilities
SH1 (Source Handshake)
AH1 (Acceptor Handshake)
T5, TE5 (Talker, Extended Talker): multiple primary or multiple
secondary addressing
L3, LE3 (Listener, Extended Listener): multiple primary or
multiple secondary addressing
SR1 (Service Request)
DC1 (Device Clear)
DT1 (Device Trigger)
RL0 (Remote Local)
PP0 (Parallel Poll)
IEEE 488.2-compatible 488-VXIbus translation
The IEEE 488.1 capabilities are supported for all VXIbus devices
associated with GPIB addresses. The IEEE 488.2 compatibility applies to
488.2-compatible VXIbus devices associated with GPIB addresses through
Local Command Set Overview
The GPIB-VXI/C local command set supports the following types of
System configuration and control
General configuration
RM information extraction
VXI-defined common ASCII system commands
Dynamic system configuration and reconfiguration