Chapter 1
National Instruments Corporation
GPIB-ENET/100 for Windows Me/98/95
The NI-488.2 software, along with the GPIB hardware, transforms your
computer into a GPIB Talker/Listener/Controller with complete
communications and bus management capability. The NI-488.2 software
includes the following components:
Device driver
Measurement & Automation Explorer, which gives you access to the
NI-488.2 development utilities, including the NI-488.2 Getting Started
Wizard and the NI-488.2 Troubleshooting Wizard
Language interface libraries for Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2.0 or higher,
Borland C/C++ 4.0 or higher, and Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 or higher
Example programs that use the NI-488.2 API
Time-Saving Development Tools
Your kit includes NI-488.2 for Windows Me/98/95. After you install your
GPIB-ENET/100 and NI-488.2, you can use standard GPIB I/O functions
in LabVIEW and Measurement Studio with your GPIB interface. If you
already have one or more of these applications and want to use them
with your GPIB-ENET/100, refer to your product documentation for
information about GPIB I/O functions. For ordering information, contact
National Instruments.
LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment you can use to acquire
data from thousands of different instruments, including IEEE 488.2
devices, VXI devices, serial devices, PLCs, and plug-in data acquisition
boards. After you acquire raw data, you can convert it into meaningful
results using the data analysis routines in LabVIEW. The LabVIEW
instrument drivers reduce software development time because you do not
have to program the low-level control of each instrument.
Measurement Studio bundles LabWindows/CVI for C, and measurement
tools for Microsoft Visual C++ and Microsoft Visual Basic. Measurement
Studio is designed for building measurement and automation applications
with the programming environment of your choice:
LabWindows/CVI is an interactive ANSI C programming
environment designed for building virtual instrument applications.
LabWindows/CVI delivers a drag-and-drop editor for building user
interfaces, a complete ANSI C environment for building your test
program logic, and a collection of automated code generation tools,
as well as utilities for building automated test systems, monitoring
applications, or laboratory experiments.