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Copyright 1997 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved.
July 1997
8 Channel, 20 mA Loop Output Module
Eight 0-20/4-20 mA outputs
0.5 mA over-range ability
12-bit resolution DACs
Open current loop indicators
3,000 V input-to-output isolation
Double insulated for 250 V safe working voltage
Up to 1 kOhm load impedance (with 24 V loop supply)
Short circuit protection
-40° to +70° C operation
The FP-AO-200 is a FieldPoint analog output module with eight
0-20/4-20 mA current loop outputs. You can use the FP-AO-200 to
drive devices using process current loops of either the 0-20 mA or
4-20 mA standards. Hot plug and play operation, safety isolation,
onboard diagnostics such as open loop detection, and over-ranging
ability ensure that installation and maintenance are as trouble free
as possible.
These operating instructions describe the installation, features, and
characteristics of the FP-AO-200. For details on configuring and
accessing the FP-AO-200 over a network, refer to the user manual
for the particular FieldPoint network module you are using with the
FPAO200.fm Page 1 Thursday, July 31, 1997 8:55 AM