nash_elmo Industries GmbH
23 / 23
Order No.: 610.44436.40.000
Subject to change
Edition 09/2003
Declaration of Conformity
12 Declaration of Conformity
EC Declaration of Conformity
nash_elmo Industries GmbH
Postfach 1510
D-97605 Bad Neustadt / Saale
Product designation:
Gas-ring vacuum pumps/compressors of the G_400 series,
models 2BH7 2.., 2BH7 3.., 2BH7 4.., 2BH7 5.. and 2BH7 6..
The designated product complies with the provisions of the following European Directives:
Low Voltage Directive
The conformity with these Directives is proven by complete adherence to the following standards:
DIN EN 292-1
Safety of machinery; Basic concepts, general principles for design;
Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology
DIN EN 292-2
Safety of machinery; Basic concepts, general principles for design;
Part 2: Technical principles and specifications
DIN EN 294
Safety of machinery; Safety distances to prevent danger zones from being reached
by the upper limbs
DIN EN 563
Safety of machinery; Temperatures of touchable surfaces; Ergonomics data to
establish temperature limit values for hot surfaces
DIN EN 626-1
Safety of machinery; Reduction of risk to health from hazardous substances
emitted by machinery;
Part 1: Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers
DIN EN 1012-1
Compressors and vacuum pumps; Safety requirements;
Part 1: Compressors
DIN EN 1012-2
Compressors and vacuum pumps; Safety requirements;
Part 2: Vacuum pumps
EN ISO 11688-1
Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and
equipment -
Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1:1995)
DIN EN 60034
Rotating electrical machines
DIN EN 60146-1-1*
Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated converters
DIN EN 60204-1
Safety of machinery; Electrical equipment of machines;
Part 1: General requirements (IEC 204-1:1992, modified)
DIN EN 61000-6-2*
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 6-2: Generic emission standard: Interference immunity for industrial
DIN EN 61000-6-4*
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 6-4: Generic emission standards: Basic specification on emitted interference
for industrial applications (IEC 61000-6-4:1997, modified)
The machine's operating instructions are available in German (original version) and in English. The technical
construction file is available in German (original version). Any modifications of the machine that have not
beforehand been agreed upon and permitted by us in writing invalidate this Declaration of Conformity.
nash_elmo Industries GmbH
Bad Neustadt / Saale, 2003-09-15
(Erich Michael Wenzel, Management)
(Dr. Uwe Seidel, Director of Development)
Only applicable for design with (mounted or unmounted) frequency converter.