Quick Start
Screen Details
Basic measurement screen with night color scheme and two views (RT Spectrum,
1 System information
This area shows system information like date, time and battery status. Tapping the
dropdown icon opens the full system information menu.
For showing detailed system information, see
Displaying detailed system information
2 Toolbar
The toolbar gives access to the settings menu and to general functions like forward /
backward or zoom in / out.
For further information about the toolbar, see
For changing the general settings, see
3 Task bar
Allows to switch between active tasks.
4/5 Task area
Graphical and numerical display of measurement values. The Task area can contain up
to six views which can be arranged to your own preferences.
6 Measurement info bar
Indicates settings and process analysis; displays error messages.
7 Button bar
The layout of the button bar is context sensitive and depends on the current view,
operation and selected function.