Technical Manual PD4-E-M (EtherCAT)
7 Special functions
7 Special functions
7.1 Digital inputs and outputs
This controller is equipped with digital inputs and outputs.
7.1.1 Bit assignment
The software of the controller assigns each input and output two bits in the respective object (e.g.,
60FDh Digital Inputs or 60FEh Digital Outputs):
1. The first bit corresponds to the special function of an output or input. These functions are always
available on bits 0 to 15 (inclusive) of the respective object. These include the limit switches and the
home switch for the digital inputs and the brake control for the outputs.
2. The second bit shows the output/input as a level; these are then available on bits 16 to 31.
To manipulate the value of output 2, always use bit 17 in 60FE
To activate the "negative limit switch" special function of input 1, set bit 0 in 3240
; to
query the status of the input, read bit 0 in 60FD
. Bit 16 in 60FD
also shows the status of
input 1 (independent of whether or not the special function of the input was activated).
This assignment is graphically illustrated in the following drawing.
Input 1
Special function
(e.g. limit switch)
Value of
the input
Bits of any object for controlling inputs
Values of inputs
Special functions of inputs
7.1.2 Digital inputs
For digital inputs with 5 V, the length of the supply lines must not exceed 3 meters.
The digital inputs are sampled once per millisecond. Signal changes at the input less than one
millisecond in duration are not processed.
The following inputs are available:
Version: 1.0.1 / FIR-v1748