A3LA-R-MIL-MOD User Guide Version B
Document Number: 451-93156-001A
91 of 159
Equivalent to 4 bars displayed on the signal strength indicator
Equivalent to 5 bars displayed on the signal strength indicator
Note: The +CSQ form of the command waits for an updated signal strength reading to
become available. This will usually be within two seconds of issuing the command. If
the A3LA-R is in the process of acquiring the system, or in a satellite handoff, a delay
in response of up to 10 seconds may be experienced.
If the A3LA-R has no SIM, is awaiting a SIM PIN entry, has an invalid SIM, or has
otherwise not proceeded to successful registration, the delay in response may exceed
the 50 second timeout limit. Under such condition, an ERROR response will be
received. To avoid a delayed response due to registration problems, issue the +CREG
command to verify registration prior to entering the +CSQ command to obtain signal
Note: The +CSQF form of the command returns immediately, reporting the last known
signal strength.
Test Command: +CSQ=?
List the supported signal strength indications. The response is in the form:
+CSQ: (supported <rssi>s)
B.97 +CULK
Exec Command: +CULK=<unlock key>
Unlock the SBD functionality of the A3LA-R after it has been locked by the Gateway.
The unlock key must be obtained by contacting Iridium’s customer support.
<unlock key>:
0000000000000000 .. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (a string of 16 hexadecimal digits)
While the A3LA-R is locked, it is unable to perform any SBD sessions. Any attempts to
start a session will return an error code indicating that the A3LA-R is locked.
Command Response: +CULK:<status>
<status> indicates the lock status of the A3LA-R following the unlock attempt: