P e g a z
v e r . 3 z d n i a 1 8 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 0
Every one month
Cleaning the stroller - Clean any moving parts, bearings, adjustment mechanisms with a soft cloth
and then lubricate them with a few drops of light oil. Be careful not to soil the upholstery of the
stroller or your own clothes.
Check all bolted connections for looseness - Carefully check that all bolts and knobs in the stroller
are properly tightened.
Every six months:
Sprawdzenie o Check the cleanliness of the upholstery and inspect the general condition of the
stroller - Do not allow the stroller to be neglected as
described in the chapter „Cleaning and care”.
Disposal and recycling: the used stroller should be returned to a recycling center in accordance with the
regulations in force in the given country.
Compliance with requirements for medical devices
The Pegaz stroller meets the essential requirements of Council of Europe Directive 93/42 EEC amended
by 2007/47/EC for medical devices.
The Pegaz stroller, in accordance with Directive 93/42 EEC, is a non-invasive, inactive medical device of
class I according to rule 1.