edition 2/ 2021-05-10
10 |
P a g e
Configuration and use - stroller frame
Unfolding the stroller
Before unfolding the Pegaz stroller, make sure that all four wheels are on the ground. In order to unfold
the stroller, you must first remove the transport lock located on the right side of the stroller. Then, holding
the push handles, lift the upper part of the backrest, while gently sliding the handles outward. The next
step is to loosen the stroller structure by lowering the
located at the front of the stroller at the
height of the shopping basket and at the back of the stroller behind the backrest. You should push them
down until they reach the horizontal position.
Folding the stroller
To assemble the stroller, first remove all accessories. Next, pull up the struts located between the front
wheels at the height of the shopping basket (Fig. 9.1.2) and at the back of the stroller behind the backrest
(Fig. 9.1.3). The next step is to push the handles inwards (Fig. 9.1.4) and to push simultaneously the upper
part of the stroller forward and down (Fig. 9.1.5). This results in the folding of the stroller. To secure it,
fasten the transport lock (Fig. 9.1.6) located on the right side of the stroller.
Fig. 9.2.1
Fig. 9.2.2
Fig. 9.2.3
Basic position of the strut
Raising the lower strut Raising the upper strut
Fig. 9.2.4
Fig. 9.2.5
Fig. 9.2.6
Pushing handles inwards
Folding the stroller
Closing transport lock