Xtetr BCR - Operation manual
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To be able to use the full range of functions, the current firmware for the DSI Tetra should
be installed (Main 1.6.19 and Voice 1.5.12). These can be downloaded in the DSI forum
(dsiforum.com, forum.sequential.com), or ask the DSI support for these updates.
Thank you for purchasing the Xtetr BCR Controller Overlay. Now the operation of your DSI Tetra
becomes much more intuitive. In this guide you will get all the important informations about
installing and operating Xtetr BCR with the Behringer BCR2000.
For a quick start it is recommended (after the installation) to press first of all the < > arrow buttons
(lower right area, picture 2) and then observe the upper light grey navigation area (picture 1).
It quickly becomes understandable how all parameters can be intuitively and clearly controlled,
even without this manual.
Installation of the template
• Connect the BCR2000 to a computer via USB.
• Set the BCR2000 to USB mode (EDIT+STORE, turn encoder 1 to „u-1“, then press EXIT)
• Open the received file „xtetr_bcr_xxx.syx“ in one of the free Sysex programs (Windows: MIDI OX,
Mac OSX: Sysex Librarian), then select the BCR2000 as a target and send the file to it. The loading
process takes a while (the display of the BCR2000 rotates), in the meantime do not disconnect!
• When the file is finished loading (no more rotating in the display), set the BCR back to
standalone mode (EDIT+STORE, turn encoder 1 to e.g. „S-1“, then press EXIT)
• In the global menu of the Tetra set „M Param Rec: All“ and MIDI Channel 1.
• The BCR2000 is now fully operational!
When sending the Sysex file to the BCR2000, the first 10 templates will be
overwritten! If necessary, please make a backup before!
• Installation of the template
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• Navigation (global)
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• Navigation (upper 8 encoders)
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• Arpeggiator, Sequencer & Velocity Assign
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• Multimode & Global settings
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• Push It! button
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• Buttons for programming the BCR2000
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