© Munters AB, 2018
Testing the SMS ringtone
This menu tests the SMS ringtone service.
1. Select
SYSTEM > Test > Dial Out
2. Enter the required phone number to receive the “Test Call”.
3. Press Enter.
Status report
Upon a user request, Communicator sends a status report on basic house functions and animal statistics.
The report includes the following specifications:
Target Temp
Average Temp
Vent Level
Vent Mode (minimum ventilation, natural, tunnel)
Weight (current average animal weight)
Pressure (static pressure)
Water Control (daily water consumption)
Feed Count (daily feed consumption)
By default, the report only includes Target Temp, Average Temp, Vent Level and Humidity.
To select the parameters:
1. Select
SYSTEM > Advanced Setup > GSM/CDMA
2. Use the +/- key to select the required parameter.
3. Press Enter to select/deselect the parameter.
4. Press Save.
The parameters are configured.
To receive a status report:
Receiving the Report for One House
> 'Send SMS' to the Communicator cell phone number.
? = Start of message
S = Status report
X = Represents house number (can be any positive number from 1 - 64)
Receiving the Report for Several Houses
> 'Send SMS' to the Communicator cell phone number
? = Start of message
S = Status report
X = Represents house number (can be any positive number from 1-64)